Du betrachtest gerade Diagnosis: London Fever  (by Christian Petrasch, London-Kursfahrt 2016)

On the 25th of September we took the plane to Britain’s capital London. When I thought about the city, I imagined Big Ben, The London Eye or the Tower of London being in front of me. Also I always wanted to eat Fish n’ Chips. However, I was really excited, because I always wanted to visit London.

As I stepped into the plane, I really felt my heart beating. In the plane above London we had a great view over the city. You could see famous buildings, bridges and the River Thames floating through Camden, a borough of London where many walls are painted in a way I can’t explain.

The market was really interesting because there were many tinker shops. On the following day we visited Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park Corner. Hyde Park was really beautiful because of the
plants, flowers and animals, which live there.

Furthermore, the Globe Theatre was really interesting. We took part in a lecture. The guide, a middle-aged man, was really funny and gave a really fascinating guided tour through the theatre. He made jokes and asked us many questions. Normally I do not like those guides, but this one was really special and I can only recommend it. At the end we also had a short introduction into how the actors learn to act.

The 3rd day we climbed up the tower of St.Paul’s Cathedral. On the top you could see the whole of London. Sadly, it was cloudy that day so that the city appeared grey. But well, it is London. You
cannot expect the sun to shine every day. The city is known for its ever-changing weather. In the evening some friends and I thought about a nice evening in a British pub to drink some
Guinness. The beer tasted okay on the first try, but the more delicious the more you drank.

When we went along the Thames with the boat it was really sunny. On the boat was a person giving us
information about London and telling us several ‘’Did you know’’ sentences. This tour was really informative. After the boat tour my friends and I ate Fish n’ Chips which were really tasty. If you ever travel to London you should try them.

All in all, I did not want to leave London the last day. I wanted to stay some days more. I really
enjoyed my trip and can only recommend it. If you ever get the opportunity to fly to London – take it!
You won’t regret it.